lørdag den 5. oktober 2013

Fancy Friday #23: Autumn

Autumn has shown its face here in Denmark and to coincide with the rainy weather outside is this week's Fancy Friday theme. 

I love all the shades the leaves shift through at this time and that colour change is what inspired me for this challenge. I also realised I had a stamp that looks very much like Boston Ivy which leaves go through the most prominent change in colour:

I put on Zoya Yara as base layer and then I took a make-up sponge and cut out three very small pieces. I then sponged Zoya Dree, Sinful Colors Pandora and Sinful Color Nirvana randomly on each nail. Lastly I stamped with Dashica SdP- with a rusty golden stamping polish also from Dashica. That all turned out like this:

 Pardon my rough cuticles, have been less than generous with my hand-and-nail-care-routine.

Zoya Yara
I had an "accident" with my pictures, these and two other sets of pictures that were on my comp got deleted in the latest distro upgrade. I luckily had these laying around on google+ in a very low resolution but in a recent update on google they decided the editing programme was going to be google-only so you need to use chrome to be able to edit and crop pics on the go. Which is why these pics are unedited - but hopefully you'll enjoy watching anyway ;)

Sinful Colors Nirvana

Sinful Colors Pandora
 And remember to check out the other Girls' inspirational manis :).

Zoya Dree

Så er der godt gang i efteråret både udenfor og her på bloggen. Ugens udfordring er Efterår og jeg er blevet inspireret af Rådhusvinens efterårskulør.
Jeg har sponget tilfældigt og derefter stemplet med et motiv som faktisk minder rigtig meget om bladene på Rådhusvinen. Jeg synes selv resultatet er blevet fint.

Husk nu at kigge med hos de andre piger, der er masser af smukke lakker og flotte farvekombinationer.