søndag den 9. marts 2014

Fancy Friday #44: Guess Who I am (Fastelavn)

It was all about dressing up and face paint in the little house hold last week. It was Fastelavn last sunday, the Danish version of Mardi Gras, Fastlovend, Pancake Day...basically the beginning of the Christian fasting.

We(the children) dress up, eat a pastry called Fastelavnsboller (they are YUMMI) and beat the cat out of the barrel: the equivalent of a piñata is beaten to pieces and candy showers the little ones. A white barrel with a pictogram of a cat on it signifying the olden tradition where a living black cat was put in there and the villagers joining in the rather ghastly beating which was supposed to chase evil away...I tell you we were some fierce mofos back then :D

And here is the mani I was sporting last weekend - Liv was dressed as a zebra and Silja as a bride with pink beads painted on her forehead. Thus I did my nails to match their costumes:

I painted their nails as well. Liv had zebra nails and Silja chose to wear Darling Diva Pink Diamond with Silver Diamond stamped flowers.

Pardon the black streaks but I was painting zebra stripes on Liv's costume with acrylic paint and realised I'd gotten some on my nails :D

For some strange reason I dotted the wrong way :D

You can still visit the other girls to check out their manis though their Fastelavn nails won't be the first post you'll see.

Fastelavnsneglene fra sidste uge nåede jeg altså ikke at lægge op, ligesom denne uges Fælles Fredag indlæg også er forsinket. Men der sker meget familierelateret i det lille hjem for tiden, som kræver min fulde opmærksomhed :). 

Her er de altså og er lavet som et match til pigernes fastelavnsudklædning. Liv var klædt ud som zebra og Silja var brud med indiskinspirerede perlerækker i  pink malet i panden. Jeg har dog fået vendt prikkerne på mine negle den forkerte vej :D